Council Budget Proposals
This is your opportunity to have your say on the Council’s budget and how it can continue to deliver services, protect the most vulnerable in our communities and make North Tyneside clean, green and safe.
The priorities of our budget are built around the ‘Our North Tyneside Plan’ which shapes everything the Council does. The Plan has five key themes: family friendly, green, caring, secure and thriving North Tyneside.
This is the final year of the Our North Tyneside plan in its current form, and as part of our budget setting process this year the Council is looking at what it has accomplished as part of this plan and what we will continue to do going forward. You can read more about this in Our North Tyneside Plan.
Like many other local authorities in the country, the Council’s budget is under increased pressure. The contributions from Central Government have reduced and even though Council Tax contributions have increased there are still shortfalls in the Council’s budget.
Shortfalls have been caused by increased demand across services especially social care. The Council is supporting more residents, with more complex needs, and sometimes relies on costly external providers when we cannot support our residents in-house.
Despite this, the Authority continues to be ambitious to ensure anyone who needs support can access it, to continue to help the most vulnerable members of the community and to continue investment in all parts of the Borough.
To help bridge the gap in the budgets the Council has set up 14 transformation projects that will ensure our services are good value for money and high quality.
You can share your views on the work to deliver the priorities of the Our North Tyneside Plan, the Council’s proposals to set a balanced budget and the 14 proposed transformation projects in our survey.
To help inform your views on the proposed budget which aims to deliver the priorities of Our North Tyneside Plan we have included some great information sources. You can find these by clicking the links, scrolling down your screen if you are reading this on a mobile phone or looking to the right of your screen if you are on a computer. They are:
- Our North Tyneside Plan and the achievements made
- How the council’s budget is structured
- Where does the General Fund money come from
- How we spend each pound of the General Fund
- Key pressures and key savings this year and next
- Key pressures and key savings forecast for 2028/29
- The 14 transformation projects and changes that are being made to save money
- Information for Council Tenants - the Housing Revenue Account
- The budget Cabinet report
- Frequently asked questions
If you would like to be made aware of future consultations please sign up to Our North Tyneside Voice here.