Review of Home to School Transport Policy and Annual Post 16 Transport Statement

When: December 2023 - February 2024.

This consultation concerned proposed changes to the Authority’s existing Home to School Transport Policy and Annual Post-16 Transport Statement.

This consultation primarily affected children with special educational needs (SEND), children who attend faith high schools and young people over 16 years of age attending education.

The consultation was required for three reasons. Firstly, the Department for Education had issued new statutory guidance for children of compulsory school age, and the Authority has reviewed the service in line with this. Secondly the Authority currently provides assistance significantly over and above the statutory requirements. Thirdly, combined with a growing demand for our support and inflation, the cost of running the service has increased by 40% since 2019 and financial pressures requires a review of the services provided to ensure those in most need are supported.

Any changes as a result will not come into effect until September 2025

When: December 2023 - February 2024.

This consultation concerned proposed changes to the Authority’s existing Home to School Transport Policy and Annual Post-16 Transport Statement.

This consultation primarily affected children with special educational needs (SEND), children who attend faith high schools and young people over 16 years of age attending education.

The consultation was required for three reasons. Firstly, the Department for Education had issued new statutory guidance for children of compulsory school age, and the Authority has reviewed the service in line with this. Secondly the Authority currently provides assistance significantly over and above the statutory requirements. Thirdly, combined with a growing demand for our support and inflation, the cost of running the service has increased by 40% since 2019 and financial pressures requires a review of the services provided to ensure those in most need are supported.

Any changes as a result will not come into effect until September 2025