Contaminated Land Strategy Review

Consultation has concluded

Give us your feedback on the process for the prevention and control of contaminated land.

This Contaminated Land Strategy sets out the Authority’s process for the prevention and control of contaminated land using planning and legislative processes. This Strategy replaces the Authority’s Contaminated Land Strategy produced in 2020.

The purpose of the review is to consider the prioritisation of the inspection of land against current guidance, and to report on the progress on actions to meet government contaminated land objectives. Priority is given to the highest risk sites for inspection and the risk is based on its potential to cause harm. Harm is graded from human receptor, controlled water, ecology to building.

The Strategy clarifies what is to be considered as contaminated land based on the statutory guidance. This highlights that Contaminated Land must demonstrate harm, or the significant possibility of significant harm being caused to land or controlled waters. The Strategy emphasises the need to demonstrate the cause of the contamination, the person(s) responsible for contaminant linkages and the responsibilities for those involved. A glossary of terminology and definitions used is set out in Appendices 1 and 2 of this strategy.

There have been no changes to legislation or guidance on contaminated land. No sites have required to be registered on the Contaminated Land register. Any actions identified to achieve the objectives of the Strategy are set out in table 2. The actions emphasize that remediation has progressed predominantly via the planning regime process.

Please share your views by submitting this survey before midnight on 22 September 2024.

Give us your feedback on the process for the prevention and control of contaminated land.

This Contaminated Land Strategy sets out the Authority’s process for the prevention and control of contaminated land using planning and legislative processes. This Strategy replaces the Authority’s Contaminated Land Strategy produced in 2020.

The purpose of the review is to consider the prioritisation of the inspection of land against current guidance, and to report on the progress on actions to meet government contaminated land objectives. Priority is given to the highest risk sites for inspection and the risk is based on its potential to cause harm. Harm is graded from human receptor, controlled water, ecology to building.

The Strategy clarifies what is to be considered as contaminated land based on the statutory guidance. This highlights that Contaminated Land must demonstrate harm, or the significant possibility of significant harm being caused to land or controlled waters. The Strategy emphasises the need to demonstrate the cause of the contamination, the person(s) responsible for contaminant linkages and the responsibilities for those involved. A glossary of terminology and definitions used is set out in Appendices 1 and 2 of this strategy.

There have been no changes to legislation or guidance on contaminated land. No sites have required to be registered on the Contaminated Land register. Any actions identified to achieve the objectives of the Strategy are set out in table 2. The actions emphasize that remediation has progressed predominantly via the planning regime process.

Please share your views by submitting this survey before midnight on 22 September 2024.